
Friday, October 15, 2010

Follow Friday (1) & Book Blogger Hop (2)

Follow Friday is a meme hosted by Rachel at the Parajunkee's View. Every week, book bloggers have a chance to connect and check out each other's blogs. Check it out to sign up and participate, or just check it out to check out some great blogs! This is my first week participating. This week's question:

What is your reading suggestion this week?

Hands down, it's got to be Behemoth by Scott Westerfeld. It's pure love in the condensed form of 481 pages. Seriously, pick it up. And if you haven't read Leviathan, the first book in the series, you totally should. That one is made of sunshine, happiness, and rainbows, especially if you're into steampunk/rewritten fantastical versions of history. (It's like historical fiction, except enough elements have been changed so you KNOW that there's no way it could be real.)


In addition, this week I'm participating for the second time in the Book Blogger Hop! I just had too much fun last week.

The Book Blogger Hop is a meme hosted by Jennifer at Crazy for Books. Like Follow Friday, It's a place for book bloggers to connect, and "hop" from one another's blogs to get to know each other. Check it out to sign up and participate! Even if your blog doesn't get listed this week, you can view other people's blogs and make some friends. :P In addition, Jennifer also asks a question to kick off the conversations. This week's question:

When you read a book that you just can't get into, do you stick it out and keep reading or move to your next title?

Lately, I try to stick it out till the end, even if I hate it. I find that there is always something to learn from a book, even if it's not good, which is a lesson I can take and apply to my own writing. In addition, I learn a lot about myself when I dissect a book for the reason(s) why I didn't enjoy it: My values, dreams, opinions about get the idea. :)

What about you guys? What is your recommendation this week, and will you put a book down if you can't get into it?


  1. Hi found you through Follow Friday!
    I'm your newest follower!
    Have a nice weekend!

    Anna Books to Brighten your Mood

  2. Hi-

    I just finished Torment the sequel to Fallen by Lauren Kate. I'd recommend that for this weeks read.

    As far as finishing a book that I don't like. I try, but if I really can't get into it, I stop. I just have a lot of books I want to read, read with my kids, too many things to do to read something I don't like. But I do give it a real effort. And, it can be a matter of timing. Sometimes you can't focus on a drama when you need a light read. That's when I put it down and try it again. If I can't get into it after a second chance, it goes in the giveaway pile.

    Hop on by.

  3. I love your blog! I'm a new follower from the hop. Happy Friday!

  4. It's my first ever blogger hopping Friday! What a neat blog you have! I love the octopus! What a great idea! Enjoy your weekend!

  5. Cute blog! I found you through Follow Friday. I'm now a new follower.

    Kate @ Literary Explorations

  6. Hi! I love your header!! I'm your newest follower from parajunkee's hop!!

    In the Hammock Blog

  7. Hi - yay Scifi reviews :) I love scifi YA books. I'm going to come back and follow later, as I am not on my own computer atm and it is all logged in to other people... lol Prod me on my blog if I haven't followed you in a couple of days!!

    Come visit to see my answer to this weeks question and check out my giveaway while you're there :)

  8. Hopping by to say hi :)

    I think you have a great philosophy on books. If I find that I'm really not getting into a book, I'll push myself to finish unless it's truly terrible!! I've only ever not finished one book.

    Have a great weekend!
    PS: Visit our BLOG for all kinds of Halloween goodness including a Graveyard Photo Tour, Creating A Halloween Story and sign up to win our Halloween Prize Pack =)

  9. Found you through the hop. I'm a new follower :)

    Hope you have time to stop by my blog!

  10. Glad to have found you via the Hop and FF. This week I'm recommending FAITHFUL PLACE by Tana French. I LOVE her books! As for books I can't get into, I put them down. Life's too short and Mt. TBR is too big to slog through a book I don't like.

    Have a wonderful weekend!

  11. Just hoppin' on by to say "Hi!"
    I will stick with it and finish a book even if I don't like it. Thankfully this hasn't happened much!
    Happy reading this weekend!
    New follower too!

  12. Just hoppin’ on by <3 I'm a new follower everywhere -- here, goodreads, twitter. xD Your blog is so adorable! I love the octopus theme you have (and the rating system! :D)

    I usually stick books out, even if it annoys me like crazy. I like giving fair chances to books, and I feel incomplete if I don’t finish it. I’ve even stuck it through an entire series I absolutely hated. Maybe it’s just me being weird.

    Kristina @ Frazzled Book Nommer.

  13. Great answer. Something maybe we should all think about?!?

    Love your blog name and your rating system. :)

  14. That's a great view on reasons to stick with a book. I usually grin and bear it in order to find something redeeming about the book, but I hadn't even thought about self-reflection or lessons learned. Great outlook!

    The Wolf's Den

  15. Hello! I'm a new follower hopping by and I just have to say I LOVE your rating system! That is so cute! Nice job! I like that you try to learn a lesson from each book you read too. Reading can definitely help out with writing I think! Hope you are having a great hop!
    The Delusional Diaries

  16. Happy HOP. Somewhere along the way I picked up the belief that by the very act of picking up a book I was obligated to read it. Fine if I loved the book but there are those times when it's not the right time or I really don't like it and have a adverse reaction. I would push through, force myself and reading became a chore. It's taken a long time but I've broken myself of that habit. If I'm reading a book and there's no connection or I don't like it, I stop because ultimately I read for pleasure and I review to share my excitement. Happy reading this weekend :)

  17. Hi there everybody! Thank you so much to your comments. They make me feel all warm and gooey inside, and I love hearing your thoughts. I was out of the house for most of the day yesterday, but now that I'm home I'll be going through your blogs as the day goes on. I can't wait to talk more with you all! Until then, I hope everyone's day is fan-tab-u-lous! Happy reading~

  18. Just hopping around and saying Hi!! :) This is my first hop and like you, I''m having a blast!!

  19. Cool header.

    Hopping by...stop by my blog if you like to see my answer to this week's question.

  20. I'm here from FollowFriday:) I haven't read Levithan yet but I plan too! I'm a new follower! Check out my suggestion at:

  21. I looove Scott Westerfeld, but I'm a latecomer to the steampunk party. I really want to check out Leviathan! Thanks for the recommendation!


I'll trade you a marshmallow for your thoughts. ;D