
Sunday, November 21, 2010

In My Mailbox! (1)


Whoooooo, I've decided that for the first time ever that I'm going to participate in the In My Mailbox! IMM is a weekly meme hosted by The Story Siren. The idea is to post what books you got this week, be they a gift, prize, from a bookstore, from the library, or from a publisher to review. The idea is intended to let other people know what books are on your radar and encourage blogger interaction. :3

Haha, it figures that the first week I decide to participate I actually don't get any books in the mail. But I did go to the library to renew my card, after which I went crazy and picked up these books:

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Mississippi Jack and My Bonny Light Horseman
(Both part of the Jacky Faber/Bloody Jack series)
by L.A. Meyer

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Beka Cooper by Tamora Pierce and Parsifal's Page by Gerald Morris

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The Knife of Never Letting Go by Patrick Ness and Mortal Engines by Philip Reeve

And last, but not least:


The Agency by Y.S. Lee

I'm excited to read all of them, especially the Jacky Faber books. I've been looking for them for a while now. What did you get in your mailbox this week?


  1. Mortal Engines is really good!
    Hope you enjoy all of your books :D

  2. Welcome to the IMM meme xD Hope you enjoy it!

    Happy Reading!
    In My Mailbox

  3. Welcome to IMM! I've never read the L.A. Meyer books. They always look interesting when I see them in the bookstore. Here's my IMM.Cute blog! I'm a new follower. Happy reading :)

  4. Great mailbox, Emi! I love the Bloody Jack books, but I haven't gotten to those yet. I hope you like them!

  5. Welcome to IMM! Great books this week, I love the library! I've heard the Patrick Ness series is really good. Enjoy all your books!

  6. Welcome to IMM! I haven't heard of most of these - I'll be curious to see your reviews! Happy reading :-)

  7. We began the IMM meme on the same day!

    New follower here! I was told of your blog from Frazzled Book Nommer and I love your use of 'k' in your blog.

    Also great IMM.

  8. I am sooo intrigued by The Knife of Never Letting Go. It sounds really interesting, and the title is awesomesauce. I hope you enjoy and I can't wait to read your review!

  9. HAHA OMG EMI! LOOK I BROUGHT A NEW PERSON TO YOUR BLOG. HOW COOL ARE MY EPIC ADVERTISING SKEELZ?! Dude, that totally made my day. So happy right now! :P

    Anyway, yay you joined the IMM bandwagon! :3 I should start sending you random stuff in the mail, like dirty yo-yo's, so I can be featured in your IMM posts. :)

    Anyway, I promise I'm not high/hyper. I've really been meaning to read the Bloody Jack series. I've heard so many good things about the series. =p Parsifal's Page sounds good too (although really, I'm only basing that on its title and cover, so you're going to have to convince me with a review!)

  10. Pleasant day to you,

    Lucky goose to have so many grand books to read soon.

    I hope you have an extremely wonderful and thankful day no matter how you spend it.

    Please do stop by anytime for a spot of tea & currently I have a giveaway as well.

    Happy Turkey Day,
    Mad Scientist


I'll trade you a marshmallow for your thoughts. ;D