
Friday, December 3, 2010

Follow Friday (4) & Book Blogger Hop (5)

Follow Friday is a meme hosted by Rachel at the Parajunkee's View. Every week, book bloggers have a chance to connect and check out each other's blogs. Check it out to sign up and participate, or just check it out to check out some great blogs! This is my fourth week participating. This week's question:

What do you do besides reading/reviewing as a hobby?

I do a lot of things. I write fiction, draw cartoons, watch movies (like, Harry Potter), play RPG video games (Pokemon, Harvest Moon, Tales of Symphonia, and Ace Attorney mostly), think about dinosaurs, hang out with friends, eat food, stalk Kristina, think more about dinosaurs, watch Bones, watch videos of octopi on this one:

That is one awesomely awesome octopus.
So yeah, I pretty much do whatever when I'm not reading!

Book Blogger Hop

And if you do one Follow Meme, why not do two? The more the merrier! This is my Fifth Book Blogger Hop.

The Book Blogger Hop is a meme hosted by Jennifer at Crazy for Books. Like Follow Friday, It's a place for book bloggers to connect, and "hop" from one another's blogs to get to know each other. Check it out to sign up and participate! Even if your blog doesn't get listed this week, you can view other people's blogs and make some friends. :P In addition, Jennifer also asks a question to kick off the conversations. This week's question:

What popular book and hyped book in the blogosphere did you NOT enjoy and how did you feel about posting your review?

I actually can't think of any hyped books that I haven't enjoyed recently. Well, wait, I take that back. I'm not sure if it was hyped around the blogosphere, but I didn't really enjoy reading Shadow Hills by Anastasia Hopcus. It was getting pretty good reviews on Goodreads, so I assumed I was going to enjoy it. But I was disappointed in the end because the mystery that was advertised on the jacket of the book got solved quickly and then put on the back burner so the plot could focus on the main character's love life. A shame, really. The mystery was so cool! Anyway, I plan on writing a review about it this week, so you can get the whole scoop then.

So what about you guys? What do you do in your free time besides blog and tweet about what you read? What books have you been recently disappointed with?

To all of you returning visitors, thanks again for stopping by my blog, and to all you new visitors, welcome! If you leave a link to your website I'll be sure to check it out over the weekend. Until then, happy Friday, and go see Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows p.1 if you haven't already!


  1. Hey, I'm a new visitor from the BBH. Got to say, I love your header and blog title :)
    I haven't read Shadow Hills myself, but I have seen it about a far bit and on the whole, it did seem to get quite a lot of positive reviews. It's a shame you didn't enjoy it.
    Off to read some of your reviews. Have a good weekend :)
    Rachel Star

  2. Just stopping by through Follow Friday! Like you blog especially the octopi header. I am new follower. You can check out my blog at if you like.

    Happy reading :)

  3. Hi there! I'm your newest follower from the BBH. Your blog is just TOO cute! I have a thing for water and underwater life, so I'm loving this haha

    Be sure to drop by and enter my international blogoversary giveaway going on now!

  4. Hi, just stopping by from the blog hop! I really do love your blog title. I have a love of all things Gail Carriger and that was what it reminded me of! She actually had that video on her blog a big ago. I'm your newest follower and I can't wait to see what you post next, this one was cracking me up!

    In the Closet With a Bibliophile

  5. Oh oh oh, I forgot to mention on my post that I stalk you almost religiously. D: I'm too lazy to edit it, but you already know I do that anywhoo, right? ;)

    So, dude Emi, you keep finding ways for me to be wowed by you. Cmon. Tales of Symphonia is my FAVORITE RPG. HM, Pokemanz, and Ace Attorney are also high up there! I never even knew you played :o

    I totally ranted to you about a recently over-hyped Nightshade that totally fell short. I think I ranted for a good one/two word pages? So I won't rant again at your blog. But I'm still mad over it! :P (I'm also still waiting for my review of Shadow hills *ahem*)

    Have a FANTABULOUS friday, M&M. I sadly won't be on until later (laterlaterlater!) because I'm going to be basking at the beach and getting my tan on. No, I'm just lying. But I will be at the beach. Not AT it, but near it.

  6. I love coming to your blog for these things and seeing people's reaction to the octopus! I am starting to become a little concerned, because I have never seen stalkers who stalk each other until you and Kristina! Who is better at it?!

  7. I started reading Shadow Hills but it did not hook me in at all. It seemed to be pretty standard for a YA paranormal and for some reason I wasn't connecting with the main character. Glad I didn't force myself to keep going if it didn't turn out to be that amazing!

  8. Hello! Stopping by on the hop. I love the octopus!!! so cool. I'm a new follower, too.

    Liz @ Tangled Web

  9. Hi! I enjoyed visiting your blog and am a new follower. I've not heard of Shadow Hills, so I'll look forward to your review. I'm having a giveaway you can enter if you visit my blog. Have a great weekend!

  10. I haven't tried out shadowhills. I'm a new follower! My hop is at Coffee Table Press

  11. Oh! Mysteries shouldn't get solved until the end, and if they're solved earlier, they should be replaced by an even MORE intriguing mystery that doesn't get solved 'til the end!

  12. Stopping by from the blogger hop. I'm following you now!

  13. Hopping through! I haven't read Shadow Hills. I've heard mostly good things, but I have heard a few other people who didn't like it.
    My Hop

  14. I haven't read Shadow Hills yet, but I have seen a couple of mixed reviews out there, so you weren't the only one who had problems with it.

    There was one very hyped book that I read that I didn't care for, and I know I was in the minority so I felt a little nervous when I posted my review--afraid people would really dislike the review. But hey, you have to be honest in your reviews and I didn't like the book. The review was for Maggie Stiefvater's Linger.

    Thank you for dropping by my blog. I am a new follower to your blog and can't wait to see more of your reviews.

  15. Thank you so much for stopping by my blog Emi! :D Also, I love your blog--it's seriously cute! I'm a new follower and I look forward to seeing more reviews from you!

  16. Hi! I'm your newest follower from a weekend blog hop! I would love to have you follow back at one or all four of my blogs :)

    Thank you! Have a wonderful week!

  17. Nice post, Thanks for your very useful Information, I will bookmark for next reference


I'll trade you a marshmallow for your thoughts. ;D