Follow Friday is a meme hosted by Rachel at the Parajunkee's View. Every week, book bloggers have a chance to connect and check out each other's blogs. Check it out to sign up and participate, or just check it out to check out some great blogs! This is my second week participating. This week's question:
If you have, or would have a daughter, what book would you want your daughter to read?
I don't have a daughter (or any kids for that matter), but if I did I would really encourage her to read the Tortall books by Tamora Pierce--especially The Immortals Quartet. Those books meant a lot to me as a kid, and pretty much turned me into a bookaholic, so I would hope that they would get her as excited about reading and fantasy as it did me. But then again, so long as she's reading at all, I'd be happy. I'll take the "librarian's motto" approach: The right book for the right child at the right time. That's the goal. There are too many books out there to recommended anyway!
And if you do one Follow meme, why not do two? The more the merrier! This is my third Book Blogger Hop.
The Book Blogger Hop is a meme hosted by Jennifer at Crazy for Books. Like Follow Friday, It's a place for book bloggers to connect, and "hop" from one another's blogs to get to know each other. Check it out to sign up and participate! Even if your blog doesn't get listed this week, you can view other people's blogs and make some friends. :P In addition, Jennifer also asks a question to kick off the conversations. This week's question:
What is the one bookish thing you would love to have, no matter the cost?
I would want to build a tower in my house with a spiral staircase. At the top of the tower would be a small library, with shelves that took up the entire wall, filled with all of my favorite books. There would also be an oh-so-comfortable chair for reading in, and a freaking huge desk so I could spread out while I worked on writing for NaNoWriMo. I tend to get intense...and messy...when writing 2,000+ words a day. Oh, and there would totally be toy dinosaurs all around the place. Shoved in the shelves, on the desk, on the floor, hanging from the ceiling, etc. They'd be like...book guardians. Yes, book guardians sounds about right. They roamed the earth for millions of years, so why not roam my reading room? I think I have a new goal in life.
What about you guys? If you had a kid, what would you want her to read? Dr. Seuss? Little House on the Prairie? What about your bookish wish? Would do you want if you could get anything? To all of you returning visitors, thanks again for stopping by my blog, and to all you new visitors, welcome! If you leave a link to your website I'll be sure to check it out when I get home from classes today. Until then, happy Friday!
Totally seconding the Immortals suggestion (or the Alanna series - those were my first Tamora Pierce books!)
As for what books I would choose for my daughter...well, depends on the age of course. For when she was really little, Goodnight Moon and Runaway Bunny and maybe some of Robert Munsch's books. Then Little House in the Big Woods (that one was my fav of the series) and the Ramona series by Beverly Cleary. When she was older, definitely some Tamora Pierce, Harry Potter, Lloyd Alexander, the Alice series by Phyllis Reynolds Naylor...*thinks she had better stop listing now* LOL.
Jeez, Emi. Now I totally want dinosaurs and dragons and stuff peeking out at me from my shelves.
Your blog is absolutely adorable - I just had to tell you.
And toy dinosaurs AND a spiral staircase? Doesn't get much better than that. I just might have to borrow that idea. :]
Have a great weekend!
TOY DINOSAURS!!!!! Oh my gosh I love dinosaurs. That sounds amazing. :)
Just hopping by. I love your layout! I'm a new follower and would love it if you would follow me too.
Julia @ That Hapa Chick
Hopping through. New follower. Dinos for book guardians are super cute. I think I'd go with worms. :-)
Hopping by from Follow Friday. I am following you and would love it if you follow me back at OpenBookEmptyCup.blogspot.com.
Hopping by from the Book Blogger Hop I'm a new follower, your layout is adorable!
Hope you're having a wonderful weekend and Happy Halloween!
"What is the one bookish thing you would love to have, no matter the cost?"
I would have a Gutenburg Bible because I could open up an exhibit in my living room and charge $10 to see it. How tight would that be? And once I was done exploiting it, I could sell it on Ebay and live happily ever after on the money it brought in.
I'd be goin' back to Disney World.
Aww I love your library and its guardians! I would love a library like that, except I would want it to be huuuuuuuuuuge =)
Hello...saying hello late from the blog hop. :)
Stop by my blog if you like to see my answer to the question of the week and for some good reviews.
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I'll trade you a marshmallow for your thoughts. ;D