So I realized roughly an hour ago that I’ve been blogging for more than a year now. The realization came two months too late, but hey, better late than never, right? So to celebrate, I’m going to arrange an extra super special cotton candy filled giveaway. Details to come soon, and no, there won’t actually be cotton candy, but the prizes should be epic anyway. SO STAY TUNED.
I jumped on the bandwagon and made a tumblr. There isn’t much on it now, just some Harry Potter pictures and nerd stuff, but I plan on using it more often from now on. The link can also be found on the sidebar, but if you’re lazy and don’t want to find the button, you can click this LINK instead. Follow me and I'll follow you! I could always use more posts in my Dashboard. Tumblr is an amazing time waster. It's the new Facebook!
Anyway, that’s all the news I have for now, so have some pictures of my friends and I at Harry Potter World. Oh, wait, one last thing: did anyone else get into Pottermore? I can't wait until they start letting us Beta test stuff!