Phew! This week has been quite the emotional rollercoaster. In between finding out about the Borders closings (one is in my area...sad...) and the "Kill the Bill" protests taking place in Wisconsin's capital (don't know what I'm talking about? Google it! It's pretty crazy what Governor Scott Walker is trying to do) it's hard not to feel drained...and it's made me realize that I need a break. So I've decided to take a vacation from blogging. Not that I don't love it and all, but I need more time to work on school and a different sort of writing. So for the next few weeks, instead of drafting up reviews, I'll be writing and illustrating a children's book for an independent study I was able to create through my school's library studies department. "What's your book about?" you might ask. Well, I can't give you the details yet, but it might feature a certain octopus with a certain top hat. ;D
To all of you authors out there that have requested reviews, don't worry; I'll still write those up and post them, but they may come a little later than I had originally promised. My apologies if this causes any problems. If there is a serious issue, feel free to send me an email and I will do my best to catch up. I'll be back by the end of March at the latest.
So with that said, see ya'll in a few weeks! Have fun with posting your reviews, blog hopping, and sharing your IMMs! I look forward to catching up with you when I get back. Now, as we part ways, I shall leave you with this important message: