Follow Friday is a meme hosted by Rachel at Parajunkee's View. Every week, book bloggers have a chance to connect and check out each other's blogs. Check it out to sign up and participate, or just check it out to check out some great blogs! This is my tenth week participating. This week's question:
Keeping with the dystopian and apocalypse theme that seems to be running rampant on, I have one very hard question for you: If you were stocking your bomb shelter, what books would you HAVE to include if you only had space for ten?
OH MY GOD HOW WILL I CHOOSE? Can a series count as one book? Cause if it did, that would be swell. No? It doesn't count? *grumbles*'s my list (in no particular order of importance):
I could totally tack on another 10 or 20 or 30 or you know, 100 books to this list, but these are the first that came to mind. I wouldn't mind rereading these ones over and over and over and over and over...

And if you do one Follow Meme, why not do two? The more the merrier! The Book Blogger Hop is a meme hosted by Jennifer at Crazy for Books. Like Follow Friday, It's a place for book bloggers to connect, and "hop" from one another's blogs to get to know each other. Jennifer also asks a question to kick off the conversations. This is my tenth Book Blogger Hop. This week's question:
Summer is coming quickly - what 2011 summer release are you most looking forward to?
Supernaturally by Kiersten White. I keep crossing my fingers and hoping that an ARC will magically appear in my mailbox, but alas, I'm still waiting. *gazes out at mailbox, lovingly* At least July isn't TOO far away.
To all of you returning visitors, thanks again for stopping by my blog, and to all you new visitors, welcome! If you leave a link to your website I'll be sure to check it out over the weekend. Until then, happy Friday! Also, be sure to enter my Hex, a Witch and Angel Tale giveaway. The deadline to enter is tomorrow. :)